While the earlobe happens to be a unanimously universal site for piercing, it certainly isn’t the only option. According to a 2010 Pew survey, 25% of teenagers have a piercing somewhere that’s other than their earlobe. These areas include the eyebrows, lips, nose, tongue, navel, nipple, and genitals.

Refrain from Constricting your Piercings

Piercings, contrary to popular belief, are very safe if done by a professional. However, the most common mistake we’ve seen clients make is constricting their jewellery as it is held in an unnatural position. For starters if you have something like a nipple, navel or genital piercing avoid wearing tight clothing as it makes healing more difficult. Ideally, you’ll want to wear a shirt or clothing that flows below the waist. There should be enough room so that your clothes don’t rub against the piercing when sitting down or bending. Also, large belts, bodysuits, stockings, should be avoided. Speaking of avoiding stuff you should also avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Women with nipple piercings will find bras to be problematic during the healing phase. So, if you have jewellery that is being twisted or are irritated try wearing a tank top or something like a sports bra. Alternatively taking a sterile nursing pad and placing it inside your bra ideally under the nipple piercing or ring should provide some relief.

Don’t Make Oral Contact

The human mouth has a lot of germs and bacteria. So, putting your mouth on the piercing is a good way to get an infection. You’ll also want to avoid unprotected oral sex if you have a genital piercing that’s healing. You need to be careful, especially during the first 4 weeks. The same goes for keeping mouths off navels, ear piercings, nipples, etc.

Careful when Swimming

Sea salt, can accelerate healing yet bacteria, and pollutants in the water don’t. So, we advise if possible people shouldn’t swim for the first few weeks after getting a piercing.



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Appointments enquiries open: primitive.tattoo.perth@gmail.com

Appointment enquiries:
Primitive Tattoo
146 Barrack St, Perth

08 9221 8585

Looking for a unique and the best tattoos in Perth? Come see Primitive Tattoo in Perth.

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